Monday, July 1, 2013

A Nice Surprise

Last week at the pre-dry wall meeting, my PM mentioned that the siding and shutters would be worked on this week. We were quite surprised when we arrived at the house seen by the look on baby girl's face.  This is what we saw upon our arrival.....

Close up of La Cava brick, Almond trim, Silver Mist siding and Wine shutters

(booooo for the dumpster being in the way...couldn't get a good shot of the whole house - maybe next time!) 

All the siding is completely done! I'm happy with how it all turned out. Not looking much different on the inside - the mudding/taping process is ongoing. Can't wait for cabinets! :)


  1. The shutters are pretty I like the fact that they are not typical black shutters nice and colorful you even have a garage door goodness they are quick!

  2. I love the shutter color. It pulls that rich wine color out of your brick color.

  3. I chose those same shutters! I have yet to see ours up. I love your choices ;)

  4. I love your choices. And yes the Shutter color looks very good and it contrasts so well with the brick!

  5. Everything is coming along nicely!! So exciting!!

  6. Your little girl is so cute!! She must be so excited!!
    The shutters look awesome with that brick!!
