Sunday, May 19, 2013

Camping Out

going for a hike!

I've had a successful weekend camping with Girl Scout Daisy Troop #5228...Whoooooo Hoooooo! And I'm glad to be back to indoor plumbing....which had me thinking all weekend.....If we were going to sleep outside and play in dirt for two days, we could have done this ALL at my new house!! :-)

But before I headed to the woods to teach the girls the art of working together, and the importance of community, caring and sharing, and how to properly make s'mores....I had to see if any progress had been made on the lot.  And yes.....we have some progress. I've been back-filled! YaY!!

I'm usually at the lot later in the afternoons or early evening, but since I was heading out of town, I stopped by early on Friday, and while I was standing in the midst of the lot, my PM pulled up. This was my first time speaking to him since we've broken ground. We got a chance to chat, and he informed my that my wood is expected to be delivered on the 28th, and he hopes to have the entire house framed by June 6. Apparently the framers are behind schedule by a couple of days. I'm ok with slow progress - so long as there is progress. So very exciting!!


  1. AWW girl I need some cookies trefoils and thin mints all day! Glad to hear yoour PM is on top of things your progress looks good so far.

    1. Oh we can get you all the cookies you need!!! :) I'm catching up on all the progress, and yours looks awesome!! And I know what you mean about the small size/missing rooms. I felt the same way. Can't wait to see you guys framed up!!

  2. Awww what a blessing to be of service for our little girls!!

    Next week is going to be a HOTT week for the Savoy!!!

  3. Looking good so far. I would love some girls scout cookies now!!! Enjoy the moment. Very exciting.

  4. S'Mores.....yuuuuuummmm. I am so glad to see that the backfill has begun! Let the games begin! Framing should be right around the corner, right? By the way, you and your daughter look so happy in this photo!!!

  5. Awesome on the progress!! I love the brick imprint on the sides. Looks like a walk out basement is in store! We didn't have that option in our community. Way to go on moving along and being backfilled. :)

  6. Cool.... looks like you had a great weekend. And some progress...

    Great pictures by the way... keep 'em coming!!!!

  7. Adorable! I was a girl scout! We didn't do super cool stuff like that though. :)
